EEPIS-Online, Unlike the previous of two games, the third preliminary round the National KRCI Robosoccer Division Humanoid flood of kick. Soccers Robot began to perform this looks excellent.

In the first stage, most of the robot is only able to touch or dribble, most have been able to kick the ball in the middle of the field. Of the ten matches in this round, there are 7 robots have to kick the ball, A coule of them can even netted a goal to the opposing goal.

  The team that can break the opponent s goal is Barelang 4.1 (Batam Polytechnic) and Al-Addiyat (State University of Yogyakarta). With his goal, to surpass 4.1 Barelang King Airlangga (ITB), while Al-Addiyat silencing Rajeko (Polman Affairs Pacific Islands), which only passed the ball that lined the middle of the field.

While successful teams do kick in this round include KiKKu (ITS), E-1205 (EEPIS), R2C-R7 (Univ. Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga), King Airlangga (ITB) and Gamma-Shot (UGM). Some robots can even do more than one kick in each match.

However, it remains only in a few games, robots that competed successfully touched the ball yet. As the match between Si-Midun (Padang State Polytechnic) and Dewo (Unesa), with a victory for Dewo because it is closer to the ball, although not to touch it. Similar matches ensued between EPROM Xeon (Polytechnic State Ujung Pandang) and Bt-Al @ m (Bengkalis Polytechnic) with a victory in the stronghold of Bt-Al @ m. (dwe/mel)
