EEPIS-Online, Final of KRCI Robosoccer Humanoid has encountered E-1205 (EEPIS) to Barelang 4.1 (Batam State Polytechnic) in Grha Sabha Pramana. This waited final are splitted to two side. Each was held for 3 minutes.

First round E-1205 in yellow corner and Barelang 4.1 in the blue one. In this round, Barelang 4.1 got errors when walked to ball in centre of field. Meanwhile, E-1205 showed its best by having central kick to Balerang 4.1. This is the first goal of E-1205 in this tournament.

In second round, E-1205 was in blue corner added new goal when match running out for 1 minute. Approaching second ball E-1205 was kicking to create new goal in Balerang 4.1 at 1 42". Having three goals, E-1205 has absolute win to Barelang 4.1 and stopped the tournament reaching to round 3.

"Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin Ya Allah", said Azhar as the team. Afi, Programmer of E-1205 said great thanks to supporter that is always supporting in every conditions. Despite of supporters , they declared their appreciation to Mr. Dadet as the Director of EEPIS. The great thanks are also delivering to the lecturers who are patiently suuporting them. They are Akhmad Subkhan Kh and Setia Wardhana. "Thanks for every guidance and advices," Eros adds.

This final has result as E-1205 for the first place and Balerang 4.1 as runner up. Third place is Al-Addiyat (UNY) after conquered R2C-R7 (Univ. Kristen Satya Wacana) in penalty finished by last score 2-1.

E-1205 and Barelang 4.1 which has on top two position will be sent to International Robosoccer League in Texas 2012. (dwe/mel)
