EEPIS-ONLINE, today (08/04) an innovation in rocket technology was begun. "This first innovation was created to support green act in environmental education." Said Mr. Nofria Hanafi as Water Rocket research leader.
EEPIS was chosen by DIKTI (Direktorat Jendral Perguruan Tinggi) to be a Water Rocket competition committee which is held in gerbang-kertasusila(Gresik,Bangkalan,Mojokerto,Surabaya,Sidoarjo,Lamongan). This competition is held for Junior High School and Senior High school.
There are some target to be fulfilled by participants such as the latitude and distance from rocket made. Meanwhile the senior high school competition, a new element of the equipment will be added to the rocket. Like the electronic and mechanical.
"Why we must spend a lot of money? If we could innovating, in technology that the equipments is around us? " he affirmed.(wdn/rio/mel)