EEPIS-Online, Sunday (08/15), new students of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology(ITS) have been declared as ITS student by ITS Rectorate. Previously, student of EEPIS stand in a row in east of Graha Building. Seeing from the apparel, students look using the commanded attribute and most of them are bald.

"DSC_2463_1.JPG"New students were welcomed by national anthem from ITS choir. Prof.Dr.Ir. Triyogi Yuwono, DEA gave the speech before inaugurating. The procedure was symbolized by female and male student who were worn the almamater by ITS rector.

"I hope new students can improve the performance of ITS and uphold the values ​​and norms that exist in the ITS." A brief utterance of Triyogi.

The atmosphere was very sacred buildings and thrilling. In addition to the alternation of students become students, new students also carry a huge mandate from the almamater to be the better next generation.

"Events in Graha ITS was very interesting. I finally confirmed as a student of ITS." Stephen Suryo pleased Sumarno, a student of Electrical Engineering Department of Industrial D3. (ivo / ryo / sat)
