EEPIS-Online, Regarding the celebration atmosphere of Ied Fitr 1432 H, today (09/04) EEPIS held a ceremony of Halal Bihalal in D4 Hall. The event starts at 09.00 am was attended by all faculty & staff PENS with their respective families. The atmosphere feels warm when the invitation came shaking hands with other to the accompaniment of tambourines entertainment Al Hadrah Al Barokah. The event was opened by the MC with the speech and was greeted by the Director Basmalah PENS, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng. Ph.D.
"IMG_1681.JPG"Halal Bihalal events this year include the Door Prize, tambourines entertainment, lectures, and suave. However, there s so special about this year, due to a large family EEPIS. Speaker of religion taushiyah name Mr Muhaimin who brought the lecture on the beauty of friendship and unity among mankind.

"It was very useful. Just at this event we can get together with the whole family EEPIS." said Ari Wijayanti, ST.MT. Lecturer Department of Telecommunications encountered during the event. Besides increasing the sense of family and togetherness, as well as a venue for this event to strengthen ties between families of PENS.

After this, there will be Halal Bihalal EEPIS among all students, the event is predicted not less crowded with events Halal Bihalal of faculty & staff. (sat / asd)
