EEPIS-Online, Technology is something which dynamicly and rapidly changing. The most intention of this term in case to make human life better and easier. In case to develop high technology for human life better,there are many kinds of conferences to increase up the researches in technology.
Indusrial Electronics Seminar (IES) 2011 that has been done at October, 26th were consisted of some activities. Starting from opening ceremony hold by the general chair, Ali Ridho Barakbah, Ph.D., later on Direktur PENS, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D. until the announcement of certificate and best papers rewards.
In this IES, there were some new concepts within the paper and poster session competition held in D4 Hall. In this session, participants who made the paper would presented theirs. Later on they would take feedback question session towards their presentations.
Mostly, papers that were made dominated by new technology researches. These papers were scored in 50% by local judges and 50% internationals. For poster session were assesed by 27 locals and 5 Japan lecturers.
Participant were saying that they are glad to this IES. "It is the nice oppurtunity which is feeling so unlucky to be left." Shiori Sasaki said, Japan participant.
For best paper awards was also done in case to give appreciation towards the research. The rewards represented in Best Student Paper Award for 3 participants, Best Paper Award to 1 participant. Ahmad Basuki, lecturer of EEPIS successfully get Best Paper Award in his paper about renew technology.
"I am excited to take this award." said Ahmad Basuki.
This events may be stated is run well. According to Ali Ridho Barakbah, Ph.D because if the innovations which is shown and get nice responses. Next year, IES will be better by nice concepts and matured.(ENT)