EEPIS-Online, Indusrial Electronics Seminar (IES) 2011 events has been completed on this day (26/11) consists of several activities. Starting from the opening by chief executive Ali Ridho Barokah, S.Kom.M.Kom, Ph.D., then Director of PENS, Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M. Eng, Ph.D. to the distribution of certificates and rewards to the best papers.
After an opening by the chairman and director of PENS, followed by Keynote Speaker by prof. Shigeki Nakauchi from Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, with the matter "Visualization od Invisible by Spectral Imaging Information Technology". The participants seemed enthusiastic at this time. Furthermore, participants are given some material in laboratory classes in D4.
In the IES this year, there are some new concepts in the implementation such as Paper and Poster Session held in Hall D4. In this session, participants will present his paper to make paper in the form of posters. Furthermore, there was a question and answer session about their paper. Paper that they make on average dominated by the latest technological research. The paper was rated by 50% and 50% local jury of international judges, while for the poster session judged by 27 local judges and 5 lecturers from Japan.
The participants rated satisfied with the implementation of the IES on this day. One participant stated that the event was very useful, especially in the science of research exchange between countries. "It s a good chance, too bad if it is passed." Said Shiori Sasaki, one of the participants coming from Japan.
The event was concluded with the distribution of certificates and rewards to participants. Reward is formed in Best Student Paper Award which given to 3 participants, as well as Best Paper Award given to a participant. Mr. Ahmad Basuki as a lecturer PENS managed to obtain a Best Paper Award in the topic of his paper on the development of renewable technologies.
"I am very pleased to achieve this award." Ahmad Basuki said.
This activity is assessed as a whole by the current executive chairman, Ali Ridho Barokah, S.Kom.M.Kom, Ph.D. because of new innovations that have shown good response by the participants. He hoped that IES will be better next year with a new concept that is more mature. (ENT)