EEPIS-Online, Having good communication skill is kind of hope of every person. That is also wish of EEPIS to produce graduate by high qualification with. Considering this necessity, EEPIS held Public Speaking Training (PST). It was involved by 58 participants.

"IMG_7184.jpg"PST gave basics comprehension about public speaking. The participants looked so much enthusiast following the event. This training had been holding for two days within Saturday (19/11) to Sunday (20/11). It was started from 08.00 to 16.30 WIB. To be placed at Theatre, the event was run well.

First day, participant were given such material and simulation by professional speakers. They are HM. Seno Hadi Sumitro, spiritual motivator and professional public speaker well known as Ki Seno. He explained that to be brave speaking in front of people just be brave and do not afraid to be fault. "Be brave and just go on stage". he adds.

At short simulation, participant has been given chance to presentate in free topic in front. Next, all participant granted opportunity to speak. The active participants were adding more than previous.

"This event are so much useful. I can be better in speaking than before. Many things should develop from myself. Overall, It is cool." Masitah Ayu said as PST participant.(sat/aul/rob/mel)
