EEPIS-Online, To survive in this global era, people should be able to compete. By keep exploring the uniqueness of self, it may to be asset in order to grow rapidly. Of course,just recognize is not enough. Someone should be able to sell their ability so that industry would know well about your capability.

Saturday (26/11) – Sunday (27/11) EEPIS held Public Speaking Training (PST) part II. Located in Theatre, the training which was followed by student in second until fourth grade was done well. Participants seemed eager to follow the event.

"IMG_0590.JPG"By presenting two speakers who are experts in the field of public speaking. Lots of experience and knowledge gained. Keynote speakers are Mr. Agus Priyadi, M. Psi a professional trainer. Also present Mirza also Wardhana, news presenter at a private television Surabaya. The speakers share their experiences and inspirations to the participant.

Seemed not want to waste the occasion, the participants were ready to get the knowledges. They are very active in training, as if to dig up all the existing knowledge. Starting from the presentations topics to a job interview.

"All human beings are unique. Use it as a capital. Then communicated so that the public know what we can." Mirza said motivating.

Participants faithfully follow a series of activities ranging from at 8:30 to 17:30 pm. In the last session participants turn to practice public speaking. There was a presentation, promotion until skill performance.

"Visualize all with positive and calm." Said Mr. Agus Priyadi.

In the end, participants are able to eliminate the fear of communicating in public. They can communicate the uniqueness of each. Utilizing the existing potential as future supplies will be. (mel/sat)
