EEPIS-Online, EEPIS seems keep moving forward in increasing its quality. Recently, there are system construction in department and major system. There are now conducting election on head of departments. Moreover, there will be also election of head of major. It will be some sections during the selection.

Today(01/09) Head of Departments election section was in delivering vision and mission for each candidates today. Placed at EEPIS theatre, there were nominees to be the elected head of department and major. Persons who are successfully being aspirants are:

"visi_misi_KaDept.JPG"Electric Engineering Department:

1. Ir. Anang Budikarso, MT. ( Telecommunication Engineering )

2. Dr. Zainal Arief, ST. MT. ( Electronic Engineering )

Informatics and Computer Engineering Department:

1. Drs. Achmad Basuki, M.Kom, Ph.D. ( Informatics Engineering )

2. Arna Fariza, S.Kom., M.Kom. ( Informatics Engineering )

Mechanic and Energy Engineering

1. Dr. Ir. Endra Pitowarno, M.Eng. ( Mechatronic Engineering )

2. Dr.Eng. Indra Adji Sulistijono, ST., M.Eng. ( Mechatronic Engineering).

All candidates convey their vision and mission in front of all staffs and lecturers each departments. They did so to forward of laborants until 1st Director Assistant. Their goals are delivered alternately. Starting from Electric Department candidates.

After extending vision and mission, candidates got the question about the future even if they were elected. The questions came from lecturers or staffs. One of question from Moga Kurniajaya, Electronic laborant that was about the attention form to laborant an labs itself.

"My consideration is about conducting training and certifications for laborant. "Zainal Arief said. Anang Budikarso added that will be also further studies for them.

"Further expectation as EEPIS academics and comittee, Hope that this series events will be successfull and system construction in EEPIS will give betterment to the institution. " Firman Arifin, ST,MT as head of general election commission in this event. (aul/ryo/mel)
