EEPIS-Online (11/03), the graduation of the 104 ITS graduates seemed as usually, they seemed very enthusiastic and excited because it has successfully completed her undergraduate education at the PENS.

"Wisuda_IkaPENS.jpg"As in the previous year are graduates PENS, a welcoming and warm-hearted, but there is different from the previous year. This year there is a handover ceremony with the symbolic "IKAPENS". this is evidence that the alumni of PENS is automatically a member IKAPENS.

To greet the graduation ceremony and parade to hall in d4 building, singing marching songs Poltek by students who are still actively lectures with enthusiasm. Graduation time is different, because at the direction of the campus of rain, until at the time of opening and closing reception held in hall of the new building PENS. Opened with remarks by Miftahul Huda as the student PENS (Electronic Politenik country Surabaya) and followed by a warm-hearted in the Hall D4.

"Congratulations to the peer to peer, father, mother (family), the future may be successful in living a real life" says Huda Miftahul as Assistant Director III of PENS.

In the past students who are members of IKA ITS will IKAPENS crystallized into more or less than 4000 alumni. "We re capturing all the alumni, who plans to hold a grand reunion in 2013 and welcomed the pens birthday to 25 years," said Wahyu representative from IKAPENS.

To contact person, can be visited the Alumni Polytechnic Association Web Official:

(ent Crews)
