EEPIS-Online, Friday (16/03) Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS arrived at robotics building ITS. He attended as one of the speakers for dialogue entitled of Science and Technology for Human Resource Development Needs.
In this event, he discussed several important issues related to research and technology in Indonesia. Starting from the energy crisis issue, it challenges of implementation and application of research to society in Indonesia.
"Today people are still proud of the overseas products. We should be proud to use our own. It will enhance the creativity and innovations of the nation." Said Minister of Technology in opening of dialogue. In global market, Indonesia is actually is not inferior to other countries. It is only because of Indonesia has always lost due to high economic value. Ministry of Research and Technology has a focus that could be foundation of science and technology of nation the international region.
In the dialog, he explains there are three important element in the sustainibility of research in Indonesia. The Elements is ABG (Academia-Bussinessman-Government). Academics, as one who always carry out research in any field. Bussinessman, as a means to use research results and always supported and helped carry out of research. Aspects of government as a bridge between the research world and industry.
Answering questions about the issue of the application of research results, the limitations of research facilities, and the issue of many gold assets Indonesia which is moving overseas. He explained many efforts that have been made. Various attempts have been made by the Ministry for Research and Technology in advancing research in Indonesia. Among research funding, regulation establish for the industry to support research or even do given tax breaks, scholarships, provision of training, and coaching relationships with researchers in Indonesia.
Responding in the acquisition of overseas research facilities tax will also be explained in this activity. Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia can help an institution issue an order to obtain a research tool without taxes. It is also a Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia efforts to develop human resources and science and technology needs. "Let us together strive to improve the research that is useful for the nation and the challenges ahead of us." said Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS.
In this activity, Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia also visited the exhibition of student works on display at the event. One of them is the work s Robosoccer PENS. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS had a dialogue with the student s creator Robosoccer this PENS. He is proud of the work of students, all of which are very innovative. (Ade/Mel/Dev)