EEPIS-Online (16/03), ORMAWA PENS are preparing. The reason soon stewardship of the organization period 2011/2012 will soon be over. Shortly after all, the entire active PENS students will soon choose a new leader who will occupy the highest position as the DPM, the BEM President, and Chairman of the Association.

There are three positions Ormawa PENS are now in the Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Executive Board (BEM), and Student Association (HIMA).

"bannerblog1.jpg"Succession, it is named after a series of activities, planned for late March to mid May this year. Implementation was done in a serial sequence of the various study programs. The courses that will hold a succession of HIMA, among others, Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering Industry, Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering. Different from this year is a succession of Mechatronics Engineering courses that previously were under the auspices of the HIMA Electronics Engineering.

General Elections Commission (KPU) of the various study programs were already preparing to mature on the applicable rules of succession in this period. Electoral system applied was varied, ranging from voting to menyontreng. "The existing system has been considered carefully in order to minimize invalid ballots during the election," said Dona one member of the Goddess Succession HIMA KPU Telecommunications.For the stewardship of the next period, the highest position in ORMAWA be held entirely by the student of his role in 2010 and 2011. The next class 2008 and 2009 will be a function of control and supervision of the performance of ORMAWA PENS. Assistant Director III PENS, Drs. Miftahul Huda, MT. Support the existence of this activity, because for him it is also able to benchmark the quality of student leadership.

Nanang Kurniawan as President BEM PENS period 2011-2012 states that this moment is democracy for student learning, where students can experience a replica of their social life after college. "Riot for the sound, looking for sympathetic, diplomacy, politics, speeches, all poured in this moment," he added. For the

future, Nanang hope party democracy can take place smoothly without any bad intention of the parties for the mess. "Good luck future leaders, the most important never to forget the affairs of college," he added. (sat/dev)
