EEPIS-Online, Yesterday (24/02) coincided PENS theater, held a seminar about the Entrepreneur, this event is one of a series of events organized by the IT community, including ITpreneur. "IMG_0415.JPG"The event was attended by the student of class 2010 and 2011 in particular PENS IT department aims to provide a forward view of the life of a student who became an entrepreneur and to expand it s business but do not forget about his duties as a student is learning.

At this event presented some IT majors are successful in developing talent in entrepreneurship but do not forget about his duties as a student.

After this event will be held the event again on Saturday (10/03) in the theater PENS is a seminar on the world outside, addressed to a graduate student who intended to make students who are working on final project has a future outlook on life after graduating from this PENS .

"Hopefully this event can provide a view of the entrepreneur at the beginning students and a view of the world after college, especially at the end of the IT department", said Wiyono as Chairman of the organizing committee of this event. (aul)
