EEPIS Online (5/2) After a series of Government Engineering Service Corp joints Indonesia Especially Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya with a number of Korean University, came at the close of the show held on Friday (3/2) in Surabaya s Restaurant Hello.
After making the exhibition in Hall PENS they short rest in hotel, which then continues into the Restaurant. Reflections on the closing ceremony of the beginning of the Manager and Staff on this event, ranging from a special greeting to say thank you. Followed by the Director of PENS Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, MEng, PhD.
"Hopefully this event can continue and to strengthen ties between Indonesia and Korea" He Said
Followed by a meal with all the participants, both staff and manager of the PENS or from Korea.
"It feels good to be able to follow this activity, may be a new experience and new friends", said Zandra Diptia PENS Student Participants ESC.
For the PENS representatives who went to Korea, will be announced on Sunday, and selected two men and one Supervisor. (aul)