EEPIS Online (13/2), A series of electoral events Chief of Department and chief of Study Program ends today with a ceremony and the Inaugural Chair of 2012-2016 period. The event was held at Meeting Room 2nd floor of Building D4 was held solemnly. The event was attended by the new officials and the families who will be inducted, the official full-time job, and the invitation.

"Pelantikan_KaDep.JPG"Begin by singing Indonesia Raya together. Furthermore, the reading of the Decree of the Director of PENS on new appointments to the chair and Chair of the Department Head Course by Ir. Dadet Pramadihanto, M.Eng, Ph.D. Then proceed with the reading of the oath of office which was read by Dadet and followed by the new officials. The procession included two clergy as holders of their respective holy books religion followed by the new officials. Then followed news of the signing ceremony of handover of new positions by the officials and finally inaugurated.

In his speech, Dadet confirmed that PENS is now independent and is building a good brand image in the eyes of society. He also thanked the officials full-time job. "May your services useful not only for the institution, but also to the Indonesian people," he added. Dadet also gave awards to full duty Lecturers. Some of the new official name is also invoked as a full duty as a sign of an end position in the stewardship of a long period.

The event ended with a warm-hearted. PENS entire academic community together to meet the new hope for a better PENS, along with the end of the inauguration of the Head of Department and Head of this study. (aul)
