EEPIS-Online, Along with technology development in Indonesia, the more the benefits and convenience that can be obtained. All parties hope that the benefits and convenience can also be felt by all parties, including people with disabilities in Indonesia. Based on data SUSENAS 2000, the prevalence of disability in Indonesia reached 1.46 million people or approximately 0.74% of the total population of Indonesia (197 million) that year. But during these policies regarding the accessibility of the disabled (disabled persons) do not get much attention. Though the government has provided legislation (Act No. 4 of 1997, Article 1, paragraph 1 and Government Regulation No. 43 of 1998, especially chapter 1, paragraph 1) which guarantees that all disabled people in Indonesia have the same rights and obligations and integrate the total according to his ability in all aspects of life and livelihood.

"MoU.jpg"Armed with noble intentions, Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya in collaboration with BP3TI signed an MoU in order to study Information Technology Implementation for understanding the behavior of people with disabilities in Indonesia in the utilization of Information Technology. It is intended that advances in information technology in Indonesia today can be enjoyed by people with disabilities to have equal opportunities as normal people in everyday life activities as well as in developed countries.

This research intended for information and insights about the behavior of people with disabilities to use information technology. Objectives to be achieved, among others, Understanding the behavior of use, preference and accessibility of the physically disabled in the utilization of information technology, find out the barriers experienced by persons with physical disabilities in the utilization of information technology that exists today, and know the expectations and needs of persons with physical disabilities to use information technology.

The signing of the MoU was held on February 10, 2012 in the office tower BP3TI Kodel LT 6 Brass, South Jakarta. The MoU was signed by the Director of PENS, Mr. Dadet Pramadihanto and Chief BP3TI, Mr. H. Santoso. In addition to the two parties, the event was also witnessed by the Chairman and Members of the Supervisory Board BP3TI, Mr. and Mrs. Titon Dutono Kus.

Various parties can benefit from this program, including the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, the industry, the manufacturing, the Disdik / Social Service, and especially with Disabilities in Indonesia. They can exchange information about the expectations and needs of services for persons with disabilities in the utilization of information technology. (aul)
