EEPIS-Online, Today (04/22) at the Hall building event held D4 PENS Android Seminar and Exhibition. Mega Proker of the Student Association of Telecommunications (HIMATEL) gives a different touch of a lively seminar held in PENS. The seminar is intended for the public, especially students who want to know more about the android and his device. The event is shaded by the Department of Research and Technology HIMATEL was attended by 180 participants. In addition to the participants which is also a EEPIS student, too few students come from outside the PENS, like IAIN, UNESA and Trunojoyo University, Madura. "AndroidSeminar.JPG"The event is not only filled with seminars, but also there is an exhibition as well. "There is a clinic android, there are booths from various providers Android based service providers, then there is Android snack corner, just a lot of things, it would be lose if you did not really come," says Made Pariyadi Indrakusuma, as Chief Executive of this activity.

The speaker of Surabaya Android Community (ASCO), which fills the Dedy Prajakirana seminar, as a filler material and the introduction of Android tablet, then Syaiffudin Nazir, as a filler material Android For Bussiness. their flying hours as a filler material in the seminar is not in doubt. They brought with communicative and interactive materials to participants. Duo speaker is also building a powerful motivation for participants to not just having an Android mobilephone, but also can maximize the features in it, namely the application and the basic features of the android. What was more surprising if I can make money, and this is the secret revealed at the seminar, "said Didi, while conveying greetings Syaifuddin Nazir seminar.

A variety of new and interesting knowledge can be found in this event. The work program is relatively new HIMA is considered to be very crowded. This is evident from the enthusiasm of the participants who come. For example Rifqi, Madura Trunojoyo University student was admitted to taking the time to come a long way to Surabaya only to go to the Android clinic for a consultation Android Device problems it has. "It was very interesting and rewarding, a lot of new science, especially the android business, adding to the relationship as well, Thank God," he explained.

Indra, Made Pariyadi Indrakusuma s nick, hope this event can be useful for all participants. " I hope in the next year, this event can take place more lively again, even it could be the area of East Java, or even Java, Amen .." he said at the time. (sat/ade/ryo)
