EEPIS-Online, The heat of the sun on the last day of the event JRC 2012 (4/3) is not as hot as the atmosphere of the race in progress. The event was held at the House of Robotics ITS entering the thrilling rounds in each division of the contested race. Prize at stake is not half-hearted, ranging up to tens of millions of dollars. JRC III with the theme "When Unite with Us robot consists of five divisions. Division is a division of Analog SD first. After a long journey, the end of SD Muhammadiyah BlueDevil Tim Roxburgh designated as First Place." Feeling happy and proud ", said Aji from Team BlueDevil innocently. As for the winner won by two teams RGPU originating from the same school, SD Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.
There is also a relay division at Analog 2012 JRC is. With tough competition from the high school team Asmaul Husna N 3 Jombang managed to beat the other team and won First Place. Husna Asmaul achievement followed by Tim Sedofex of SMK N 2 Kraksan. Achievement has also been achieved by a team of 14 and Paksima Paksima 16 from Gajah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta because it has successfully won First Place and Second in the division of Micro Maze.
There is a new division within the JRC diperlombakan III this year, the division of Analog On The Spot. A feat that must be thumbs up for Team Jelly Polytechnic of Malang But because it has managed to become the first champion, followed by the next ranked team Paksima 17 of UGM.
The last division is the Robo Soccer diperlombakan. The division is followed by 97 teams from all over Indonesia. In the first division championship won by Tim IR Barrels of SMAN 1 Manyar Gresik and won by a team champion Both Pamekasan of SMAN 1 Pamekasan.
In addition to the struggle for Champion, JRC III also appreciate the participants who have the best robot design. Here is a list of winners of the Best Design in the event JRC III 2012:
Best Design Analog SD: TKM2 Team of Strada Jakarta
Best Design Analog Relay: Team of SMKN2 Kraksan Sedofex
Best Design of Micro Maze: Panzer Team 04 from the University of Gajah Mada
Best Design of Micro On The Spot: Fouye Corp Team.
Best Design Robo Soccer: Team of Shinobi from SMK N 2 Kraksan.
"Thank God I have a champion in the division robotsoccer, becomes a matter of pride to follow and managed to win in this prestigious race, in addition to proficiency testing in the field of robotics, here I also can test me mentally when competing, not only gift I got from the race I can use to ease the burden of my family, I look forward to the next JRC is still held every year, "said this girl, the participants from Blitar. (ent)