EEPIS-Online (04/21) Journalist Day event was held. The event is also a series of activities PENS Carnival will be held on 28-29 April 2012 peak. The event is shaded by the Student Executive Board (BEM) – PENS was attended by 40 participants from various universities in Surabaya. Event held at the House Theatre is presenting Sumarno PENS, arrives a Newspaper Journalist Coordinator of Radar Surabaya, as the speaker.
In seminars, Sumarno teach participants about the principles of journalism, from the definition, functions, criteria, and thus how to write good news as a journalist. Priayang background Bachelor of Agriculture has also told a million experience for a journalist. No doubt, the track record to be a journalist until now the coordinator of the journalist is very high, ranging from around 1990, starting from graduation from S1.
The participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in this event. This seems evident in some of the questions posed by the participants. Selvi for example, one participant from Papua who is now studying at the University of Widya Mandala reveals all her curiosity in a seminar forum. "What if there is a miss communication between units of work at the job to be a journalist?," Said Selvi.
Sumarno then explained that the communication between the units of work must be balanced with strong coordination, especially the journalists and all units have to listen to the commandments of the editorial office. An editorial here quite a share of a very large role in this coordination. "I was a speaker, to share knowledge and experience. Hope my future, I hope my friends can be a young seedling seedlings that continue the struggle in the field of journalism," said Sumarno. (sat/ade/dev/ryo/aul)
The participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in this event. This seems evident in some of the questions posed by the participants. Selvi for example, one participant from Papua who is now studying at the University of Widya Mandala reveals all her curiosity in a seminar forum. "What if there is a miss communication between units of work at the job to be a journalist?," Said Selvi.
Sumarno then explained that the communication between the units of work must be balanced with strong coordination, especially the journalists and all units have to listen to the commandments of the editorial office. An editorial here quite a share of a very large role in this coordination. "I was a speaker, to share knowledge and experience. Hope my future, I hope my friends can be a young seedling seedlings that continue the struggle in the field of journalism," said Sumarno. (sat/ade/dev/ryo/aul)