EEPIS-Online The title work of the Son "Great Indonesia", is a series of events Birthday is a private TVONE TV, the show featured some of the achievements of an institution in areas rangingnational to international level are held in the Atrium Plaza I Floor 1 Tunjungan Surabaya. "Pameran_tv_one_PENS.JPG"The event lasts two days from Thursday (01/03) to Friday (02/03) also displays some ofthe country such as children s work displayed by the SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya eSeMKaof a car consists of an open and Bak Cars Car Go Cart , and several other nationalchildren s work.

Not to forget of Surabaya State Polytechnic Electronics (EEPIS ) also join the event toshowcase some of the work of students consisting of EEPIS  Quad Copter and EROS robo that will be contested in Mexico this year. To attract visitors, PENS booth shows the  game featuring robot control using an application from the Android OS, the game has attracted many visitors for free as well because in addition to direct visitors can also tryto run the robot with the application on the Android OS.

"Hopefully this event can be more familiar with the general public is no longer a part EEPIS , but it was independent. And this event also promotes EEPIS  buffer out", said Dwi Kurnia Basuki  as a EEPIS  coach at the event.

"The show is very good, so the public can know the achievements and the work of the nation who have not been too exposed," says Rio Tria Hardhitya one of the visitors of the event. (aul / ryo)
