EEPIS-Online Not just a robot that competed in the event Java Robo Contest (JRC), but also other areas that is JRC photography contest. The competition was also held in the same place with the robot competition arena in progress. With the theme "When Robots Unite with Us", the participants are required to find two pieces of angel images related to robot that matched the 2012 JRC.
"Photography_JRC_IIIy.jpg"Collected from the entire picture to the jury, there is only one photograph selected is contested and determined as the winner photo. The jury is tasked to determine the winner of the JRC Photography Competition 2012 is also not a vain person. The first jury was Aken, photographer Photography School graduates Icon, he stated that it is very unfortunate in the event of this magnitude, very little interest in photography competition. "Events are still quiet, so I assume that the winner-that s it, hopefully next year of publication for the photography competition is enlarged so that the participants also increased", said Aken. Besides Aken, there is also Oka, First Place Photography Contest EEPIS 2012 from the Department of Electronics Engineering.

In determining the winners of this photography, a lot of assessments to be done. Among them is the sharpness of the images and the composition of the photograph itself, so people who saw the photo can understand the meaning of images with a single face.The more talk the photo, the better the assessment.(ryo)
