EEPIS-Online Today (1/3) implementation of the Java Robot Contest (JRC) in 2012 with the theme "when robots unite with us" stay two days longer. The event was initiated by the Student Association of Electronics Engineering (Hima Elka) EEPIS is going to attract the attention of the robot lovers in Surabaya, especially the hobbyist robot Tracer Line / Line Follower. Because the race that will be held on 3-4 March 2012 at the House of Robotics ITS diperlombakan almost all fields is a robot line tracer. There will be three main divisions in the Java Robot Contest , the Division of Student, Student Division and General Division. In the student division is diperlombakan Analog Line Tracer for primary, Line Tracer Relay for the Junior / Senior High School and Robosoccer for the junior / senior high school. In the student division that competed Line Tracer is a type of Maze Solving Micro and Micro Tracer Line On The Spot. While in the general division that has been competed are Photography On The Spot and DOTA competition. Not only is the race course that will enliven the JRC, 2012, java food festival will also spice things up this year JRC. In addition, there are several stand of Digiware, JP Books and some other sponsors that will add to the excitement of this year s JRC.
In terms of pre-event preparation, the committee planned to do the loading attributes and equipment on Friday. On the evening before the race committee will first put through a test drive on the robot trajectory. "Thank God proggress JRC event has reached 80%, pray for us", said Yunanda Basuki, Chairman of the Committee JRC 2012 on the sidelines of technical meeting and DOTA Photography Competition. (ryo)