EEPIS-Online. The announcement of selection results Admissions (PMB) PENS Surabaya, was announced Tuesday (05/06) yesterday. Pathways that have been announced include PMDK Prestasi and PMDK Bidik Misi.
The mission of PMDK Bidik Misi itself is divided into two types of
reception, the first student to qualify directly as a PENS student who
has been interviewed by the Bidik Misi PENS team in each Candidate School
Students. The second is that students may not qualify but still
registered a pass just because the student section administration or
File Selection.
Therefore, for students who just escaped the File Selection
interviews are held to assure the right target for this Bidik Misi. Located at the 2nd Floor Meeting Room D4 Wednesday (06/06),
some students have started to take a queue for an interview. Not a few
are also accompanied by the Parent and brother.
In the room there are some examiners who are members of the team PENS, consisting of Assistant Director I, II, III, and IV. They
asked the same question in accordance with what they ask in an
interview at their respective schools. In question consists of the data
itself, the condition of the family came to the salary and achievements
during high school.
In addition to interview prospective students must also complete some
of the files. For this interview there were 48 prospective students who
have passed the selection file. Then, as the interviewee Candidate will
be directly given the decision whether qualified or not. If the pass is
allowed to directly re-registration, and if not then be disqualified.
"From this day still do not interview all prospective students in
attendance, but some are not present is already making an appointment.
And will be given time during the re-registration or until Friday
(08/06)", said Assistant Director III Drs. Huda Miftahul MT (aul / lee /
a /rar)