EEPIS-Online, Tuesday May 29, 2012 yesterday was the holding of presidential elections EVC (Electric Vehicle Community). Communities that exist in Industrial Electrical Engineering Program was formerly a part of research and technology division of Electrical Industry Student Association. But since 2008 EVC started on his own as a community. Many things still need to be addressed in the body of this EVC. In terms of both managerial and in terms of research development. That is why each of the presidential candidates, both of which EVC is derived from the same, and have the same view for the future progress of EVC. They are Hardhani Eko Kurniawan and Izzat Daroini.
Muhammad Adib Hadiyan Shah, head of Motor EVC, appealed to each
candidate to not consider this a rivalry that could drop to one another.
Rather, there is competition for the best look for the good of all.
Adib, a familiar greeting in his speech that night represents M. Wake up
Nugroho (EVC president 2011-2012), explained that whoever is elected
later as the number one in this EVC are both helping each other in
developing their own EVC.
Election, which was attended by 34 DPT may seem unique. Before choose
DPT, is expected to hear oral campaign in advance of each candidate.
Campaign that lasted from 19:30 until 21:45 Draw produces sound when the
counting of votes conducted. Because the number of DPT capabilities of
each candidate quite nicely, making the voters who not only attended by
the 2009-2011 generation is confused. So that the votes of each
presidential candidate EVC are equally strong. M. Wake Nugroho, as
president of EVC, giving instruction to the committee to delay 5 minutes
to decide the continuation of his election.
The absence of clear rules of this election to make each candidate has a
work program to set the basic direction of all things related to the
EVC in time period. So that community expectations Red in deciding
things are not solely based on culture or tradition, but based on clear
rules agreed.
After negotiating for ± 5 minutes of the committee, and president of the
EVC itself, decide the holding of direct elections by the number of DPT
31 people. Before doing this for re-election of the candidates were
given a case study of loyality in EVC if undergoing TPPA. Izzat, one of
candidates said, the case studies delivered it to the President of EVC
2012-2013. From 31 DPT, 17 people chose Izzat.
Happy expression on his face too. One of the things that makes it sad is
the absence of base camp EVC. "But, even so, I will still carry this
mandate and do them well until the establishment of an advanced EVC,
Amen," he prayed. (Ai / sat/rar)