EEPIS-Online, Located in Red Lapangangan, Tuesday (05/06) had already shown at 16:40 pm, which means covering futsal EEPIS Championship game, between Elin (Electrical Industry) against ELKA (Electronics) is ready to begin. After ± 3 years is not met in this game cover, each two sides tried to perform optimally. Starting from the preparation of players to supporters who helped enliven the game was equally important to note.

"PENS_Championsip.JPG"At the beginning of the game, Elin managed  1 goal. However, a
short time later ELKA could pursue his position by scoring two goals in
the first round. The atmosphere of the game was getting heated. Mutual inter-replication supporter yells to provide support to
the players who were playing.

The game that takes 2×20 minutes really heats up when the time is
running out. Until the referee was not able to focus when there is one
player who commits an offense. This is what can trigger the emotions of
the supporters. Fortunately, the game can run smoothly with the
acquisition of a score of 3-1 for ELKA.

Muhammad Yanwar Rifki, one player from ELKA explained that since the
first game the atmosphere was like this when ELKA Vs Elin met in the
finals. So no wonder the audience who witnessed the whole floor was
packed up in the D3 building. Student of 2010 was not surprised that
there will be a clash among supporters at the end of the game as
it is today. The hope is only one, that the arrogance of the department
was okay as long as it is not anarchy.

The same thing was expressed by the president of the BEM 2011-2012,
Nanang Kurniawan, who had dropped the final game of spaciousness to
straighten out the misunderstanding between the supporters. Nanang,  deeply regrets this misunderstanding . 6th
semester student, majoring in Electronics was very disappointed with the
performance of the committee that the regulations are less strict for
the supporters, so little things like this can be minimized.

Disillusionment with the performance of the committee was not only
felt by the president, but also from the players say, Amen. 4th semester
student majoring in Electrical industry is highly regretted the lack
sigapnya committee in terms of security, especially for the supporters.
He added, if necessary, the rules to publish in wall magazine supporter or
other information media. Thus, not only players who can play with the
fair but also supporternya. (Aik / ade/ rar)
