EEPIS-Online, On Monday (14/5) EEPIS is believed to host MONEV PKM for Higher Education in 2012. M & E that starts at 09.00 followed by 141 teams from across  universities in East Java.


Aside from being a representative of East Java later on when PIMNAS,
the whole team is also required to report the extent in
development activities which their have proposed to Higher
Education as well as any obstacles that occurred. Of course this will
add to the preparation and maturity of the participants in PIMNAS later.

EEPIS MONEV as the organizer provides two points of the presentation
space, the Space Theatre and Meeting Room of the second floor of the New
Building EEPIS. Since the number of participants who participated in
this event, the event was divided into two days. For the first day teams
were present number of 68 teams, 34 teams will be presenting at the
Courtroom, and the rest will be a presentation at the Space Theatre

Today s special teams will be presentations from the following Higher Education:

A. Academy of Nursing Scholar Kerta Sidoarjo

2. Regency Nursing Academy ponorogo

3. IKIP PGRI Madison

4. Surabaya Polytechnic State Electronics

5. Polytechnic Sakti Surabaya

6. College of Economics Indonesia Surabaya

7. Technical High School Surabaya

8. College of Economics Scholar Bojonegoro

9. Work STIKES Husada Pare Kediri

PGRI 10.STKIP Sumenep

Freedom 11.Universitas Pasuruan

12.Universitas Trunojoyo

13.STMIK Surabaya

Had a moment this presentation on the activities to be stopped
because of technical mistakes just as suddenly the lights went out. All
participants prepare everything well, from the mental and appearance to
provide the best results. "Here I am wearing a red striped white striped
shirt, typical of Madura. To be more convincing," said one participant
from Madura. (dev / ade / ryo/rar)
