EEPIS-Online, Thursday (16/02) and Friday (17/02) located in Surabaya City Department of Education, conducted a series of events Intermediate Students Training Management Skills (LKMM TM) IV PENS. Activity that lasted until Sunday (19/02) is a continuation of soft skill development of student activities, LKMM Pra-TD and LKMM TD.
LKMM TM is an activity that provides training materials on Organizational Management both theoretically and practically. A total of 17 student activists from the organization s from eighth course in the PENS follow this activity themed HARMONY. According to the guide LKMM TM IV PENS, Inda Pratiwi, the theme of Harmony is a combination word Humanity, Enthusiasm, Visionary, Motivator, and Unity. "By following LKMM TM is expected that all participants can be students who are resilient," said Lely, one of the ITS Blue Guide s team. Themes and meanings that emerge based on the conditions and needs of the participants. So that, expected that all participants were able to develop a well-occupied organization.
One of material LKMM TM IV PENS is Organization Condition Analysis (AKO) and Organization Development Planned (RPO). Of each material were divided into two sessions, namely the delivery of content with discussion sessions and simulation sessions. After getting the material-such, participants are expected to analyze the condition of an organization in an objective and logical as well as to determine the appropriate organizational development measures for each state of the organization.
Within two days of this training, participants seemed enthusiastic and eager. The guide continues to monitor and evaluate the soft skill development of participants. Start of competency, attitude, mindset, to the most basic things that the everyday habits of a assessed their daily lives while in quarantine. On the first day, participants compressed schedule to receive materials from the guides. Different things happening on the second day of the seminar motivated by Drs. Sugiyono Wardani, M.Pd. He is the principal of SMK Negeri 1 Trucuk, Klaten, Yogyakarta, a successful vocational school SMK assemble cars to be Indonesian Car Brand. On this occasion, not only attended by the participants, but also came PENS Student Organization representatives. Wardani asserts that every idea that comes from the student must be in appreciation, the slightest form. "This makes Indonesia a slow progress, since too many restrictions on the idea. I hope my friends on PENS student is able to make great ideas for a better Indonesia," she said.
During the remaining two days of training, participants will be more busy as the tight schedule. However, the guides ensure this event will LKMM TM would be more exciting and unforgettable moments for the participants LKMM TM 2011. "Her show is fun, a lot of new science not been found previously. Although tired, but very happy," said Sholahuddin Al-Ayyubi, one participant LKMM TM 2012 from the Department of Multimedia Broadcasting. (aul)