EEPIS-Online, In take on the Monitoring and Evaluation of Student Creativity Program or (PKM) 2012, The EEPIS very intensif for prepared the participant who wriggle out and was funded from the Student Creativity Program 2012.Today (05/06) be located in Theater EEPIS, be held Training about Public Sppeaking specifically for the partisipant Student Creativity Program who wriggle out,approximately 16 teams attendance. Not only creative in the ideas in their program, but the participants are required to be either in terms of Communication Skill. Because this point will be implementated in presentation of the concept Student Creativity Program and accountabilitydonation which summarized in monitoring and evaluation (MONEV) that Student Creativity Program. the participant will be present it to the reviewer or thejury.

This activity can give the basics also a better understanding about public speaking, especially tips and tricks that are given during the presentation. "Starting from how to dress, how to walking, way to look good, it just taught in here. A Lots of little things that are missed when presentation, but it s really vital, "said Putri Utami,one of the filler material from SBO TV.

Drs. Miftahul Huda, MT. as Assistant Director III of EEPIS also always plunging in student affairs and very fully support the candidates who achievers. Including the implementation of the preparation Monitoring and Evaluation (MONEV) is also, Huda will not stop to support the participants.

"This activity is very useful, I can do better in speaking of before and there are many have developed from my speech,especially in terms of presentation. But, overall, the show really good, "said Didit Ernawati, one participant Public Speaking Training. (sat)
