EEPIS-Online (14/7), this morning about two thousand participants following the  selection of UMPN (National Polytechnic Entrance Examination) held on ITATS Surabaya. UMPN a selection to enter Polytechnic in Indonesia, as well as SNMPTN (for PTN). A total of 32 State Polytechnic in Indonesia participate in UMPN. There are four subjects tested,  Mathematics, Physics, English and  Bahasa Indonesia.


Registration took place on July 3 to 13 yesterday, the system is the participant can choose four different study program in different
polytechnics. But the initial choice was taken from two polytechnics in
which participants perform retrieval form. For example, for participants
who take on the registration form PENS, options of major can choosed in
PENS, for the two remaining study program can be taken from the
another polytechnic.

For this year UMPN PENS provides a quota of 60 students in each of
the seven majors major in PENS (T. Electronics, T.Telekomunikasi,
T.Mekatronika, T.Teknologi Information, T. Multimedia Broadcasting, T.
Computer, T . Electrical Industry), while for the Power Generation only
30 students have taken to D4.

"The examination is quite difficult, especially for physics, but still
optimistic could pass," said Galih UMPN participants from Madiun.
UMPN selection results will be announced on 18 July, and after that the
participants passed the re-registration is required to conduct a
pre-determined schedule. More information can be found at (rar)
