EEPIS-Online (30/7)
. At 8:00 o clock this morning, PENS Fresman that accepted through UMPN (Ujian Masuk Politeknik Negeri) join the psychological test or called Psikotest . Total of participants is about 200 student which divided into several rooms, mostly occupying at the theater and the rest is divided in the classroom.

"psikotest_umpn.jpg"At this Psikotest, PENS work with Partner Synergy, one of Psychological Institutions held in Surabaya. In this test, one of the participants are required to draw some picture with the guidance from the instructor and working on some questions that are divided into several categories. This test have a certain limited time answering the questions. From such questions, later acquired some aspects of psychological assessment include: Intelligence Quotient (IQ), personality, memory, accuracy, endurance work, confidence and adaptance to the environment.

"Hopefully, the participants will be able to know his own potential. Besides that, it can be seen suitability ability to majors that have being taken," said Lenny, instructor from Partner Synergy. (rob)
