EEPIS-Online. After passed some scoring phase Program Hibah Bina Desa(PHBD) on August 2nd-3rd ,2012. And based on decree from DIKTI(06/08).
One of team from UKKI PENS, successfully passed as one of 40 team which the proposal will be funded by DIKTI. This team is success defeating 1.049 proposal sender from lots of student organizations(IOMS/BEM/UKM). The fund that DIKTI give to the approved proposal is very much, about 50 million rupiah for each proposal.
This ideas which come from Churnia Sari and lead by Ummi Sholikhah and Febra Gamalia, started from story from one of their friend who has father in Ngawi. His father has incredible spirit to develop his village, he wants to open the catfish business, but in the fact, water is hardly find in his village. From this kind of problem Churnia has an idea to make it happen. This idea has been written on PKM. "Alhamdulillah , accepted, but the fund that I get only 5,5 million rupiah while the fund that we need is about 10 million rupiah," said Churnia. With those big fund Churnia successfully make well on those place as water sources.
But Churnia and Friends goodwill is not only that, looking the monoton and a little bit behind livelihood of the society in Kwadungan Lor village,Padas,Ngawi.Ummi Sholikhah with her friends,Sri wahyuni and Dewi Rahayu,member of UKKI, continue this "battle". They try another DIKTI program,PHBD(Program Hibah Bina Desa) by catfish farming in ponds tarp guide by Mr.Rengga Asmara.
"I hope after the water need is fulfilled and the livelihood of Kwadungan Lor village gets better, the live in here is better and reduce the difficulty to make ends meet day to day," said Ummi.
Today (09/09) Ummi Sholikhah, will go to Jakarta as a delegation for presentation and get direction from DIKTI. Mr.Rengga hopes that teams that qualify this can be the new trendsetter among PENS student besides PKM(Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa)."I hope by this, students can get experience and can work directly in the community and solve problems there, "he said. (and)