EEPIS-Online, Excel not only in academic but also in Sports and Arts. That is until today continued to be encouraged by the Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS). In the year of 2012 PENS took home the gold in art karikatur and bronze in the sport of taekwondo in the 2012 PORSENI. This is certainly becomes the pride of PENS on wings of gold that spread by PENS students.  "nah_kan.jpg"Polytechnic porseni in 2012 it was nineth porseni, held at State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya (POLSRI) in Palembang. Runs from 15 to 20 October 2012. In this opportunity PENS send ten group consisting of two official and eight athletes. Athletes representing the sport consists of two in badminton, table tennis with two representatives, two in taekwondo. In this branch of art photographers including one representative and one representative in poems and karikatur.

When met with Ari Dhika Firmansyah Elin D4 second grade years students who successfully provide for PENS bronze in taekwondo sport gets to tell that he get a very great experience. During preparation Porseni Dhika exercises not only in PENS but also in SMAN 1 Surabaya with intensity four times a week, two physical exercise, one technical and one sparring. Taekwondo which has been practiced since high school class X is able to give a lot of awards such as; Champion in Taekwondo Championships in 2010 in-Jember, third place in East Java Champion Kejurda 2010 and Third Place Porseni 2012. The first fight he must face great opponents which is a national athlete and he was kicked twice and got head injuries in the throat that causes the lower jaw ached. But his fight is not useless because he can bring home the gold this time . Dhika s hope for students PENS "Next time if you want to come to Porseni he has to train more seriously. Many of you who have more ability" he said.

Unlike Fitria Putri Perdani IT fourth grade years student who fought in the branch of art karikatur. Seha has drawing as her hobby from childhood. Starting from a favorite with Japanese comics and animation drawing she can achieve gold medal as an achievement in Porseni this year. "There s so impressive, I met athletes and national experienced artists from various areas ," said student who usually called Puput. "More impressed that my roommate who initially does not know each other can instantly familiar and walk together" she continued. Her activity besides working for her Final project she also badminton once a week. Puput active on campus as well as the DPP UKKI and has served as SekDep UKKI. Advice for students PENS thinks that people not born perfect, but do not focus on our lack but  focus on what we doing constantly in order to be our pride.
