EEPIS-Online (12/2), An annual series of students events at PENS been held. Art show and entrepreneur this time titled PENS Vaganza and Social. There are different in concept of PENS Vaganza this year, the addition of the word social in the name of the event. This social event is implemented in the form of clean-up activities PENS campus together. In addition, there will be a festival band, bazaar entrepreneurial students also photography and poster competitions. Clean-up event itself starts at 5:30 am this morning, wearing the new PENS JOSS T-shirt. In the event clean-up, looks new students clean up campus PENS.
Campus clean-up activities which is undertaken by these new students including clean up campus D4 buildings, D3 buildings, parking lots, the campus gates, reservoir, and a canteen. PENS Vaganza steering committee divides the freshman team to clean up the campus area which has been defined earlier to save time and effectiveness of this activity.
Cleaning tools which is used for this activity are the tools assigned to be carried by the new student. Campus clean-up was completed with a relatively short time, at 09.00 am. Just three hours, the campus has seen net PENS. In addition to making the campus more clean, this activity is also beneficial to familiarize new students, an intimate look as they work together to help each other clean up the campus.
09:00 o clock am, bazaar booths housed in a red field PENS also opened. Stand that stood there was a stand of entrepreneurship set of each department and Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW). The presence of PMW booth at the event is required. In addition to promoting the merchandise they sell, PMW booth was also set up so that all students would know the diversity of student creativity PENS which is contained in PMW.
Looks lots of students are visiting the booths ranging from food, drink and even clothing and hijab scarf on sale in the booths. While visiting the booths there, visitors who come are also offered by the music of the band festival and the poster and photography exhibitions held at that time. A total of 14 bands from the combined PENS students and students from other campuses in the event enliven bazaar Vaganza PENS. This band festival, will be closed with the appearance of the ITS JAZZ which is a guest star in the band festival.
"We had problems PENS Vaganza lack of steering committee, as many organizers of the BEM social activities built in Sedati, Sidoarjo. But so far so good, the activities run smoothly even though we lack the committee," said committee chairman of PENS Vaganza Chairun Nisa. With the existence of such activities students can channel their creativity in their work and entrepreneurship. (and)