EEPIS-Online (2/12), Village Patronage is one of PENS effort to provide a significant contribution in the development of Science and Technology (IPTEK) in the community. This year PENS village patronage held in the fisherman village at Gisik village Cimandi, Kec.Sedati, Sidoarjo. The event took place over two days (1-2 December) is filled with a variety of training activities for local people.

"desbin2_2.jpg"This community service program is an annual program that was initiated by the PENS ormawa collaboration with other campus between the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Association of Student Programs (HMJ). This year the chosen village is Gisik, Cimandi Sedati Sidoarjo. Besides the location is not too far from campus PENS, a fishing village also has great potential to be developed. Judging from his own people is very cooperative and has developed oriented mindset. Supported by an institution to actively facilitate the community in the development of human resources and quality of the village such as LKM Maju Sejahtera.

Patronage Village Program was officially opened by Drs. Miftahul Huda MT as assistant director of Student Affairs in PENS and also attended by Mr. Sugianto as the head village of Gisik Cimandi village, Sidoarjo Sedati. There are some training that was held for two days. For smooth access to the community for training activities centered in village hall. On the first day of training was held Microsoft Ofiice for elementary students that are located near the village hall. Then proceed with the  water rocket training which was greeted enthusiastically by the students of elementary / junior high school who came to the village hall to make rocket made from water bottles. Which then they held fly test in the field nearby.

In addition to providing training for children, there are some adult participants who attended the training like ACCU Inverter Training, how to make energy provider for home lamps are minimalist of ACCU also socialization of solar cell, followed by the installation of lights PJU (street lighting) on ??the next day. For the mothers there are training to recycling compost and using TOGA precisely.

Although there are a few obstacles during this two-day training, but building activity this village is successful and uneventful, "Thank God the event went well, so I hope this program may be run sustainable," says Rizky Putra Mahesa (3D4Meka) ministerial representatives community service of BEM PENS. In the future he hope that village building socialization is further enhanced so many people will interested to participated during the training.

Rural development program not only give benefits to the community but also to the students. The program as a means to engage students directly in the community. Knowing the real social problems in the community in order later to provide real solutions for the development of national human resources and science and technology. (and)
