The latest news informs that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is currently discussing the Business Plan of Electrify Supply that will be conducted around 2021-2030.

Based on the discussion, a power plant construction in Indonesia will start around those periods. Indonesia’s electricity needs reach approximately 15,5 gigawatt. Therefore, by additional construction of power plants, it will help increase electrifying energy to the public.

Increasing the power plant’s construction will need the experts who work behind the power plant. Power plant engineering has become one of the jobs that will be overflowing in line with the massive construction of power plants in some places around Indonesia.

There are a lot of benefits to constructing the power plant. Several benefits of constructing the power plant are:

  • Encourage industrial development to grow better than before. By constructing the power plant, can stimulate industrial growth
  • The construction of power plants can be a booster for the country’s economy. It gives a new chance to development companies, construction and industry.
  • Construction of power plants will give a chance to prospective workers to work in power plants and industry. With more than 70.000 workers, it can upgrade the country’s economy. The workers from those areas will get the job, supported by the government program.

After knowing about the benefits of building the power plant, more experts will be recruited to handle the running of the power plant. Therefore, it can have an impact on increasing the supply of energy to more places around Indonesia. The engineer power plant will take place for this especially.

So, What Will the Power Plant Engineer Do?

This question is interesting. As you know, power plants operation must be checked and maintained every day. Then this is the time when the power plant engineer takes parts. The engineer will maintain day to day during the operation of power plants.

That duty involves providing preventative maintenance on machines, performing the operational test every day, inspecting the thermal systems, and working closely with other power plant personnel in that area to make good communication with each other.

The job that relates to engineering requires a bachelor’s degree. Those can be the engineering of electrical, chemical, or even nuclear engineering. Therefore, the company will select the workers based on their educational background depending on the industrial need.

Especially for power plant engineers, additional qualifications include communication skills, the experience of working became a part of a team, and strong analytical abilities because they will take action by considering several things that need analytical abilities.

How to Be a Power Plant Engineering?

After knowing about the description of a power plant engineer, there will be a question. The question is always like, “how to be a power plant engineer?”. As you know, some qualifications and skills are required to be a power plant engineer.

You can begin your career as a power plant engineer firstly by getting a bachelor’s degree. The qualifications of engineers have experience in running the operations of the specific plant before. Next, an engineering degree is also required to be a power plant engineering.

The bachelor’s degree that you have to earn is electrical, mechanical, or chemical engineering. Much better if you start by earning a professional engineer or PE license. But it will take time to reach the license of a professional engineer. It requires at least around four years of experience.

To get a professional engineer license, you have to do your duties and responsibilities to create drawings by using design software on the computer. Other than that, the engineers can also design layouts, especially for building the power plant in a certain area.

The Opportunity of Power Plant Engineer

As the country’s economy grows better, it also stimulates the growth of Power Plate in several areas in this country. Then, there will be plenty of capacity for the power plant engineer to take an opportunity to make a career path.

Mostly, the age of the engineer in the power plant is around 45 and maybe fewer. The age and experience will influence the positions of the worker later. There are several positions available at every level, and it can increase depending on demand.

The Salary of Engineer

What about the salary? This also frequently asked around opportunity career as an engineer in a power plant. Based on the record of annual pay for the engineer in the power plant, which is equal to $96000. Let’s calculate that into several parts of the month, week, and hour.

Approximately, the engineer in the power plant will receive around $8000 per month. That will be equivalent to $2000 per week or $10 per working hour. It is quite an attractive salary that the worker who works remotely and uses the system to operate can receive.

That salary is found in Indonesia, what about outside? Higher than here. In the United States, the salary for an engineer in a power plant reaches around $123,000 in a year. That if calculate more detail. It will divide around $8,000 per month and $400 per week.

That does not include their skills, which can determine the rise and fall of their income as engineers in power plants. If you are interested in working as an engineer in a power plant, it is better to earn a bachelor’s degree and get a license for professional engineering.

Because it can determine the rise of the salary as an engineer in a power plant, in Indonesia itself, some universities conduct the study about the engineer, especially in power plants. Therefore, that becomes the starting point to become a professional engineer in the power plant in the future.

Hopefully, this article can inform the reader about power plant engineering with all things that come of it. And hope it can motivate the reader to become a professional engineer, especially in managing and operating power plants to increase industrial growth.

Thank you for reading, and good luck!

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