Caring pilgrims, EEPIS Students Win PKM AI

EEPIS-Online (29/11). EEPIS getting bolder achievements can be calculated. Having previously won in several competitions such as KKCTBN and ...

Siapkan Calon Lulusan Mahasiswa PENS Sukses Seleksi TPA

EEPIS-Online, Persaingan dunia kerja yang saat ini kian sengit membuat para calon lulusan mahasiswa harus bisa mengatur strategi untuk bisa ...

EEPIS, Prospective Graduate Students Prepare Academic Potentional Test (TPA) Selection Success

EEPIS-Online, Competition working world today have increasingly fierce, it make the prospective graduate students should be able to set the ...

Siswa SMK Sultan Agung Tebu Ireng Antusias dengan MMB PENS

EEPIS-Online(28/11), Sebagai salah satu pelopor berkembangnya Politeknik di Indonesia, PENS sering menjadi tujuan kunjungan belajar dari ...

Students of SMK Sultan Agung Tebu Ireng Enthusiastic with MMB of EEPIS

EEPIS-Online (28/11), As one of the pioneers of the development of the Polytechnic in Indonesia, EEPIS frequent visits aim to learn from other ...

Setelah Stage On Garden , Kini Garden Everywhere

EEPIS-Online(27/11), Suhu udara yang tinggi membuat suasana lingkungan terasa panas. Adanya perombakan taman di daerah Kampus PENS merupakan ...

The highlight of the night Held Festive Birthday HIMIT

EEPIS-Online (27/11), Birth day is a special and unforgettable moment for the some people who celebrate it. No exception it also occur in an ...

After Stage On Garden , now Garden Everywhere

EEPIS-Online (27/11), The high temperature makes the atmosphere become hot. Reshuffle The existence of the park in the EEPIS Campus is one of ...

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