Photography Competition on Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online Not just a robot that competed in the event Java Robo Contest (JRC), but also other areas that is JRC photography contest. The ...

Opening Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online Java Robot Contest (JRC) III officially opened in 2012. The opening of JRC III begins with the release of two pieces of line tracer ...

The Winner of Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online, The heat of the sun on the last day of the event JRC 2012 (4/3) is not as hot as the atmosphere of the race in progress. The event ...

EEPIS Carnival Your Blood for Together

EEPIS-Online, the biggest event in the series of EEPIS are held by the Students Executive Board has already begun, starting with the blood donor ...

PENS Perform in Event Gelar Karya Anak Bangsa

EEPIS-Online The title work of the Son "Great Indonesia", is a series of events Birthday is a private TVONE TV, the show featured some ...

Prepare to Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online Java Robot Contest 2012 is in front of the eyes, the committee began to prepare for all kinds of equipment and supplies for the ...

Road to Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online Today (1/3) implementation of the Java Robot Contest (JRC) in 2012 with the theme "when robots unite with us" stay two ...

Seminar Preparation for the Job World

EEPIS-Online the theater building today (05/04) Preparation Seminar held Entering the World of Work. The seminar is intended for the public, ...

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