Penasaran EROS, Siswa SMP Al Irsyad Kunjungi PENS

EEPIS-Online. (15/05) Sekitar 80 orang siswa dan guru SMP Al Irsyad Surabaya hari ini mengunjungi kampus PENS. Meski tidak dapat melihat seluruh ...

Final Examination 2012 in EEPIS Student Conduct, fraud rate reaches 0%

EEPIS-Online, Every educational institution must conduct periodic tests on learners. It aims to determine the level of understanding of students ...

Spirit of Graduation

EEPIS-Online, (11/3) The atmosphere is festive graduation to 104 ITS is felt, a sense of relief and gratitude not only felt by the graduates, ...

Road to KRCI region IV EILERO ready to perform with the agility

EEPIS-Online, the day of the day awaited by lovers of KRI and KRCI robot, this time of the PENS team did not prepare his team behind in order ...

Regional Road To KRI IV ROLPENS Ready Reaches “Peng Dai On Gat

EEPIS-Online, Match of the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) Regional IV is near. Activities to be implemented on May 12, 2012 will be held at the ...

The latest, BEM Journalist Day

EEPIS-Online (04/21) Journalist Day event was held. The event is also a series of activities PENS Carnival will be held on 28-29 April 2012 ...

Roboh Tak Berarti Kalah bagi ROLPENS

EEPIS-Online, Setelah melalui perjalanan yang sangat panjang, akhirnya empat tim unggulan KRI 2012 berhasil memasuki babak semi final. Mereka ...

Berhasil Menang, ROLPENS Tak Ingin Jadi Tim yang Tinggi Hati

EEPIS-Online, Meskipun berhasil meraih Juara Pertama dan memperoleh penghargaan sebagai Strategi Terbaik KRI Regioanl IV 2012, ROLPENS tak ingin ...

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