EFFIRO Berusaha Tampil Maksimal di Laga Penyisihan Terakhir Divisi KRCI Beroda

EEPIS-Online(12/05), Sore ini laga pertandingan penyisihan III KRCI divisi beroda telah usai dilakukan. Semua tim mengusahakan yang terbaik. ...

Tribun Untuk PENS Sepi, Supporter Isi Energi

EEPIS-Online (12/05), Menjelang sore, tribun timur yang tadinya dipadati oleh tim supporter PENS kini mulai berkurang. Rupanya, para pendukung ...

Nyasar Karena Sensitif, EROS Tetap Cetak 3 Goal

EEPIS-Online , Perhelatan besar KRI-KRICI Regional IV sudah dimulai. Pertandingan KRCI Divisi Humanoid menjadi Pembuka yang memukai untuk acara ...

Sekali Lagi EROS Cetak 3 Gol di Penyisihan III

EEPIS-Online, (12/05) Setelah menghadapi Babak Penyisihan I dan II saatnya tim dari KRCI Divisi Humanoid Robosoccer League. Sama seperti Babak ...

JRC Photography Contest 2012

EEPIS-Online Not just a robot that competed in the event Java Robo Contest (JRC), but also other areas that is JRC photography contest. The ...

Opening Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online Java Robot Contest (JRC) III officially opened in 2012. The opening of JRC III begins with the release of two pieces of line tracer ...

Android Seminar and Exhibition

EEPIS-Online, Today (04/22) at the Hall building event held D4 PENS Android Seminar and Exhibition. Mega Proker of the Student Association of ...

The Winner of Java Robo Contest III

EEPIS-Online, The heat of the sun on the last day of the event JRC 2012 (4/3) is not as hot as the atmosphere of the race in progress. The event ...

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